Chapter 18 Open Science Preregistration

18.1 Overview

It’s helpful to distinguish between preregistration and registered reports. This week we see a series of video that describe each of these approaches One of the most population options for preregistering a study is to use the Open Science Framework (OSF) which was created by the Center for Open Science (COS). In this video you obtain an overview of preregistration and the OSF.

18.2 Daniel Simmons Interview

Daniel Simmons provides information about registered reports. Pay particular attention to the problems associated with finding an unexpected effect in a data set and then trying to test a hypothesis related to that effect with the same data. You can watch the video here.

18.3 Preregistration Impact

Learn about the statistical impact of preregistration in this video. As in the previous video, pay particular attention to the problems associated with finding an unexpected effect in a data set and then trying to test a hypothesis related to that effect with the same data. You can watch the video here.

18.4 Preregistration Details

In this video you will learn the “nuts and bolts” of preregistration using the OSF. You can watch the video here.

18.5 Learn more

Learn more about preregistration at this website.